Changes from 1.3 to 1.3.1 - Operation FindGroupRelations now accepts IsGroup as one of the possible arguments - The issue with the increase of the rank of IsFinite filter caused by IsAmenable TrueMethod was fixed - InstallMethodWithRandomSource was incorporated for Random methods (thanks to Max Horn) - A couple of minor syntax updates Changes from 1.2.4 to 1.3 - Status was changed from "deposited" to "accepted" - The very much appreciated comments and suggestions of the anonymous referee were implemented. Some are listed below - Converters to and from `FR' package by Laurent Bartholdi were implemented (see AutomGrp2FR and FR2AutomGrp) - Minimization of automata was greatly optimized based on (also very much appreciated) the implementation of this function by Andrey Russev - Print methods were updated for several basic types - IsSphericallyTransitive has been updated - A bug in TransformationSemigroupOnLevel was fixed - TransformationOnFirstLevel now always returns transformations (it was returning permutations when possible before) - A bug in MarkovOperator for semigroups was fixed - AG_IsInvertibleTransformation was removed as redundant - Error messages were updated - Documentation was updated - Several new tests were added Changes from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 - The date format in PackageInfo.g was changed to comply with GAP standards for packages Changes from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 - The EOL issue was fixed in the test file /tst/testall.tst Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 - The order of generators in AG_UseRewritingSystem was updated according to a new GAP release - References to bibliography were updated - Documentation was cleaned Changes from 1.2 to 1.2.1 - Broken URLs were fixed - AllSections was extended to IsAutom argument - Section was extended to work with (semi)groups, not only with their elements Changes from to 1.2 - Added IsAcyclic for Mealy automata - Added IsReversible, IsMDTrivial, MDReduction - Added MihailovaSystem - MarkovOperator is implemented for semigroups and now can accept the (possibly symbolic) weights - Added a possibility to define automata over 1-letter alphabet (needed for MD-reduction) - Suppressed the output of dots while performing the tests - Banner Added Changes from to - Replaced $ character in identifiers with underscores Changes from 1.1.4 to - Methods with more than six arguments were really removed this time Changes from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 - Methods with more than six arguments were removed - Documentation of the package now is loaded automatically - Minor corrections in documentation - File with predefined groups is actually included in the release Changes from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 - The bug sometimes yielding a wrong answer to the question of inclusion of an element into a group acting on the tree of degree not less than 3 was fixed - The issue of changing the GAP output after loading the package related to Indeterminate(GF(2)) was overcome Changes from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 - IsAutomatonRep was renamed to IsMealyAutomatonRep, and DiagonalAction was renamed to DiagonalPower to avoid conflicts with other packages Changes from 1.1 to 1.1.1 - The bug with undeclared local variable in one of the tests was fixed Changes from 1.0 to 1.1 - The bug with contracting level was fixed (in some rare cases IsOne produced error for contracting groups) - Order was improved (especially for infinite order and for groups generated by wreath recursion) - Spherical transitivity for the elements of groups given by wreath recursion acting on binary tree was implemented - Rewriting systems work for self-similar groups now - IsOfSubexponentialGrowth was added - TransformationSemigroupOnLevel was added - Printing of tree homomorphisms was corrected - FindGroupRelations returns less superfluous relations now - Operations for finding transitive elements in a self-similar groups acting on a binary tree were implemented (see SphericallyTransitiveElement and ContainsSphericallyTransitiveElement) - Work with finite self-similar groups was improved - Some bugs in documentation were fixed